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Baba Vanga
Baba Vanga's Most Chilling Predictions For 2024
History - Science
Baba Vangaanl, born in 1911, is a blind mystic who lived in the rural countryside of Bulgaria's Kozhuh mountains. Her predictions for 2024 are pretty interesting.
Sites like Euronews broke down her predictions, which include the standard natural disasters, strained economies, terrorist attacks within Europe, and biological weapon testing.
More interestingly, she said 2024 would see cybercrime reach new heights as "advanced hackers" attack infrastructure like power grids and water treatment plants.
Quantum computing, meanwhile, would achieve a "major breakthrough" that the Economic Times of India somehow connects to artificial intelligence (AI).
Additionally, the Irish Examiner reports that Baba Vanga claimed a "mighty dragon" would conquer the world, which some take to be a world power like China, India, or Russia.
Euronews also mentions that Baba Vanga reported that 2024 would see the assassination of Vladimir Putin by one of his fellow citizens, which isn't entirely unreasonable.
Numerous sites like Insider and The Guardian have gone in depth about Putin's paranoia of assassins lurking around every corner amid tension between Russia and Ukraine.
Finally, Baba Vanga said 2024 would see some advancements in treating Alzheimer's and cancer. However, the specific type of cancer is unclear.