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The Muslim Women is Clothed in strength & Dignity
What It’s
Like To Be A
Woman In Iran
History - Science
Iranian women are, unfortunately, regarded under the political system as "half" as valuable as men and are frequently subjected to domestic violence. They can also face being murdered by relatives if they are thought to have "dishonored" their families, as there aren’t enough provisions in the system that can safeguard women and children from violence.
Child Marriage is a prevailing trend in Iran; in fact, girls as young as 13 can get married, and those who are younger can still get married with the approval of a judge and their father. Child marriages often hamper the ability of girls to secure educational and professional opportunities later in life, while potentially exposing them to violence and domestic abuse.
There are intense restrictions on where women can go and what they can do outside of the home in Iran. For instance, while women can play sports, including football and volleyball, they cannot watch male relatives play; additionally, musicians like Mahdi Rajabian have also been arrested in the past for having female dancers and singers accompany them.
While Iran and the world at large saw the latest uprising of women boycotting mandatory hijab only after the 2022 police custody death of Mahsa Amini, it wasn’t the first time that women had pushed back against the rule. However, since early 2018, around 32 protestors have been arrested and another 10 have been thrown in jail as a consequence.
Iranian women don’t have the same rights as men; for instance, a man can divorce his wife "whenever he wishes to do so," while women can only do so in special circumstances. There are laws that also legally allow a man to kill his wife in certain circumstances, and get full custody of the children in case of separation, amongst other unfair advantages.