The Cleanest Cat Breed You Can Own

People have been keeping cats as pets for literally thousands of years for good reasons. They are self possessed, relatively easy to care for, small, and so darned cute. However, anyone who owns a cat knows that in addition to joy, our feline friends sometimes bring mess into the house. From shedding all over the furniture, to constant litter box maintenance, there are some dirtier aspects to cat stewardship that might turn off potential owners. If a clean home is your top priority, but you still want to bring a cat into your life, it's worth it to do some research into which breeds are easiest to keep up after. So which cat breed is the cleanest?

Keep your heart and your options open

Although there are many factors to take into consideration, if the thought of a cat hair-covered home is a major deal breaker then the most obvious answer is the infamously hairless Sphynx breed. Many find these cats a bit startling at first, but they are incredibly affectionate and loving animals, perfect for anyone who loves to cuddle, but hates vacuuming. There are a few things to keep in mind, though. Because they have no fur, Sphynx cats require some extra care that other feline furbabies do not, including regular baths. If your aversion to fur is allergy related it's also important to know that not all cat allergies are caused by dander. Some people are instead allergic to cat saliva, and for them a hairless cat will provide no relief from watery eyes and a runny nose.

For those who have their hearts set on a fluffy kitty there are several breeds that are known to shed less than others. These include the short haired Bengal, affectionate Siamese, quiet Russian Blue, and dog-like Devon Rex. Despite their long and luscious manes, Siberian cats also don't shed much, but their abundance of fur may make it easier for dirt and detritus to find its way into your bed.

Other than fur, another big consideration for a neat-freak cat owner is the litter box. With regular scooping it's not hard to keep your cat's toilet tidy, but if you really can't stand the idea of litter getting tracked all over the house, an indoor-outdoor cat may be a good idea. Before making the decision to have an outdoor cat it's important to understand the risks, especially if you live in an area where predators like cougars are common. If it seems like a good idea for you there are some breeds that are known to thrive outdoors, including the aforementioned Bengal, the intelligent Abyssinian, and the playful Manx.