The Weird Things That Tony Curtis Is Buried With

Sure, King Tut was buried with over 5,000 artifacts like furniture and weapons and even chariots (how else was he supposed to get around in the afterlife?) but the boy pharaoh was royalty after all. You'd expect a little glitz and glamour. These days, we're typically not buried in gilt-laden tombs, of course, but we're still human. Most of us like the idea of a bit of comfort and security to follow us beyond this mortal world. Some of the most common items people might be buried with aren't too surprising, like Bibles, family photos, or flowers from the service. Others, like booze, cigarettes, or laptops, might raise an eyebrow, but these, too, are everyday occurrences for folks in the funeral home biz. But when it comes to the rich and famous among us, things can get a little ... eccentric. 


Consider the casket of Hollywood legend Tony Curtis, who passed away in 2010. According to Daily Mail, the beloved actor's funeral was one for the ages, with heartfelt speeches from friends and family (including his daughter, actress Jamie Lee Curtis and other notables like Arnold Schwarzenegger), and even a mourner dressed like his Some Like It Hot co-star (and alleged paramour) Marilyn Monroe. But it's the items that Curtis was buried with that give us rare insight into the star we might not otherwise have.

What exactly was in Tony Curtis' casket?

First things first: This was one packed coffin. To start with, Curtis was interred in some of his favorite clothing, including white shorts and sweater, an Armani scarf, and a Stetson hat under his arm. We know because his wife Jill shared a list of the items in her eulogy, saying of her late husband that "[t]he charming, handsome man you fell in love with on the screen was the real Tony," per the Daily Mail. And the real Tony was a sentimental guy. In a travel bag buried with him, his family included the expected (family photos, medals he won in the Navy, his grandson's baby shoes, a yarmulke) and the less expected (a model Trans-Am, sketch pads, paints and paintbrushes, sunglasses, his dog's ashes). 


Lest you think the coffin is already sounding crowded, there's more, including stones he collected while traveling, several watches, a tablet of Percocet, a DVD of clips from his favorite movie (but no DVD player, we can't help but note), an eye mask for sleeping, his iPhone (which he reportedly called his "IV"), and seven packets of Splenda. Yep, the actor was known for sprinkling the artificial goodness on everything he ate. We got to admit, if you're going to go out, it sounds pretty reasonable to be as prepared as Tony Curtis. Just make sure to pick some strong pallbearers.

