Purgatory is a concept that was eventually institutionalized in the Catholic Church and further explored by writers. Some people have said they've been there.
You might have heard of auras - an alleged visible color that is linked to a person's personal characteristics. But do they have any scientific validity?
The Vietnam War left an indelible mark on American and world history. But that mess of a conflict left plenty of unsolved mysteries, and some are truly bizarre.
The devil takes many names and forms throughout history. Contrary to common perception, the greatest of all villains is not as clearly defined as we think.
Even in modern times, people have looked to the supernatural for answers. Dabbling in the occult knows no social restrictions, as these first ladies show.
Being accused of witchcraft doesn't carry the same negative impact as it did hundreds of years ago. Even so, some celebrities still get labeled as witches.
Stories of spooky encounters are ten a penny, even in these enlightened times. And they're not just for the hoi polloi, as these celebrities will attest.
Werewolves might be the first shapeshifters that come to mind, but folklore around the world is filled with creatures who change from one form to another.
The U.S. is supposedly home to a large pantheon of cryptids, from paranormal celebs like Bigfoot and Mothman to D-listers like the New Jersey Mantis Man.
Long Island Medium's Theresa Caputo's unique "gift" of communicating with the dead has made her a household name. Here's how she discovered the alleged ability.
Haunted bridges are a pretty common trope in spooky stories. Whether fact or fiction, many bridges across the globe have a scary story attached to them.
There have been many paranormal investigators over the years, and many instances of supposed paranormal phenomena. Here's the story of the Enfield poltergeist.
Sometimes people claim to see large cats outside their known habitats but they can't prove it. Maybe this is why people keep seeing so-called ghost cats.
In the 19th century the term "ghost words" was coined when it was learned random non-words were ending up in the dictionary. Here's how they got there.
As the host of Ghost Adventures, Zak Bagans can't be scared of an average haunting. But a terrifying experience is keeping him away from one location forever.
The "Ghost Adventures" crew is hoping to return to one singular location. It's a place with a dark reputation built on a century of violence and tragedy.
Tobias Forge and his band Ghost thrilled audiences with their satanic-inspired acts. While Forge remained a private type, there's plenty to learn about him.
Vladimir Putin's elaborate personal train has remained shrouded in mystery, but leaked information has revealed it is not as ordinary or as you might expect.