Not since the heady days of the 1990s and "The X-Files" has the general public been so obsessed by UFO activity. Here's how E.T. grabbed the headlines in 2023.
Reports of alien abductions are subject to intense scrutiny, both by those inclined to automatically believe them true and those who are more skeptical.
A Bulgarian mystic known as Baba Vanga predicted a number of events before her death in 1996. So will her prophecy about a 2022 alien space invasion come true?
Since human civilization began we have endeavored to make contact with alien life. Some methods have proven to be pointless, but new ways look promising.
One of the unique aspects of human beings is the capacity to speculate and philosophize -- what's it all about? More fundamentally, where did it all start?
The search for alien life has been going on for decades with little luck. However, the Exotica Catalog is a definitive dataset helping scientists in the search.
Accounts of alien abductions pop up from time to time, met sometimes with skepticism, other times with belief. Barney and Betty Hill might have been the first.
Aliens may have visited us but there's no hard evidence that they have. If they do, though, there's a scale to determine the level of their civilization.
When you hear the word "aliens," you might think of the various rubber-headed aliens in "Star Trek." But aliens might look a lot like humans. Here's why.
During the 1980s, New York's Hudson Valley became a hotbed of UFOs and strange happenings. Here's the truth about the alien invasion in the Hudson Valley.
When a rocky, cigar-shaped object about a quarter-mile long and highly elongated was discovered speeding through the solar system, wild conjecture ensued.
These alien abduction tales might be just convincing enough to make you think twice about your disbelief. Maybe the truth really is out there somewhere.
Are aliens real? The Catholic Church doesn't know — but it does have a rather progressive view on the possibility, rooted in a belief in God's creativity.