Inside Jodi Arias And Ex-Boyfriend Darryl Brewer's Relationship

Convicted murderer Jodi Arias currently sits in an Arizona prison for the stabbing and shooting death of her former boyfriend, Travis Alexander. In 2008, a 30-year-old Alexander was found nude and dead at his Mesa, Arizona home with over 27 stab wounds, and a single gunshot wound to his head, per ABC News. But before the fatal end to their relationship, Arias was in another relationship with another man, a relationship that painted a very different picture of how she came to be best known.


Arias was found guilty of first-degree murder in 2013, and was handed a life sentence in 2015. It was during her highly publicized trial that the public learned intimate details regarding the relationship she had with ex-boyfriend Darryl Brewer, who, says Court TV, would testify in her defense

Brewer testified for the defense on the 10th day of Arias' trial. According to his testimony, the pair met in 2001 when a young Arias came to the luxury resort Ventana Big Sur to apply for a server position. The older Brewer was then manager of the resort's food servicing. He stated in a video interview with AZCentral that he was not initially attracted to Arias, and that they had a typical supervisor-employee relationship.


In his testimony (via Court TV), Brewer also noted several times that he considered Arias an exemplary employee who excelled beyond her probation period. For a year, he and Arias worked everyday together.

A blooming workplace romance

After over a year of Arias working there, the resort started to implement some changes in management. Brewer said he had to step down from his supervisor duties, and as a result he also took on a server job — alongside Arias. Now functioning as co-workers and with a potential subordinate-supervisor conflict out of the way, the divorced father and Arias began a romantic relationship. They both lived at the resort's staff housing, though separately, per Brewer's testimony. In 2003, Brewer made the decision to move to Monterey, California, but he maintained his relationship with Arias, and the two continued to see each other a few times a week.


During this time Brewer says he started to slowly introduce Arias to his son and applauded the relationship she was able to form with the child.

"She was loving and kind. She was like an aunty to my son," he told AZCentral.

Getting serious

In 2005, the now exclusive couple bought a three-bedroom house together in Palm Desert, California. As part of Brewer's shared custody agreement with his ex-wife, he left his Monterey home to purchase the house with Arias just to be closer to his son.


Throughout his court appearance, Brewer said that he never sensed any anger or jealousy from Arias, and in fact spoke very highly of her, even praising her relationship with his young son.

But by mid-2006, the pair were falling out of love. And Brewer was looking to find work in Monterey to once again be closer to his son when his ex-wife returned to that city. The move was probably the final nail in the coffin of his relationship with Arias, who had already taken another job, and was working a total of three jobs. He testified that he sensed a difference in her personality and the couple were not on the same terms and stopped sharing bedrooms.

They eventually went their own ways — Brewer back to Monterey, and Arias to Mesa, Arizona, where she pursued her relationship with Alexander.


In an exclusive interview after her guilty verdict, Brewer told AZCentral he was not familiar with the woman on trial. "She's unrecognizable to me now as to the Jodi used to be," he said. "She never talked like that, never lied and had that disrespect, she was not manipulative, she was not evil."

His testimony helped show Arias' premeditation

Though they were no longer together, the couple had an amicable breakup and were still on friendly terms. Which is probably why Arias felt like Darryl was someone she could reach out to in the days before Travis Alexander's murder.


While Brewer was a witness for the Arias' defense team, his testimony helped the prosecution tremendously.

In early June 2008, Brewer testified that Arias called him several times, asking to borrow two gas cans for a trip. Brewer agreed and loaned Arias his two red gas cans, which she came to pick up at his home. She allegedly told him she needed the cans in preparation for a long trip to Arizona. During her brief stop, Brewer said the two had a conversation, she used his computer, and also had breakfast with him and his son. But she never returned the gas cans and it would be the last time Brewer would see her as a free woman. Arias was arrested for the murder of Travis Alexander in July 2008.


