Video Game Achievements That Took Ridiculous Amounts Of Time

Some people play videogames for fun, others professionally — others play simply to destroy them. See, some games include achievements (official or unofficial) that are near impossible, huge goals that are almost impossible to reach. Unbelievably, some people have actually conquered these Herculean challenges, even though it took a long time. And we're talking a long time ...


135 hours: longest videogame marathon

What's the longest you've spent doing any one thing? Probably not 135 hours — no one could do any one thing for that long, could they? Of course they could, and of course they did, and of course it was a freaking gamer because, why not?


Okan Kaya played Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for over five days straight, in an attempt to break the record for the longest gaming marathon ever. Thankfully, he was allowed to take a break for ten minutes every hour to pee or ... OK, probably just peeing a ton. Maybe he took a Dew break? (You gotta do the Dew.)

While this sounds like a special version of Hell, apparently it's a thing that a ton of gamers do — attempt to play video games far longer than anyone should ever do anything. Of course, the fact that he sacrificed almost a week of his life to beat this record is bad enough. But he couldn't have picked a better game to waste his time on? Not even Black Ops 3? What's wrong with you, man? Oh, well, maybe next time.


Without pausing or messing up once, play six+ hours of Guitar Hero

Can professional guitarists even play for that long? Even Springsteen taps out after four hours, and half of that is just him talking.

Guitar Hero has the Bladder of Steel achievement, named because you'll almost certainly pee yourself while winning. Or you could use a catheter, that might work. The achievement has you playing incredibly hard songs like Dream Theater's "Panic Attack" and "Chop Suey" by System of a Down for six hours straight, without ever being able to pause. Oh and you can't mess up once. We're not sure about you, but we can't go six hours without messing at least three things up. We haven't been able to write this entire entry without like at sleast six typos.


Of course, you can be a dastardly fiend and finish this achievement with the most diabolical thing of all — friendship! Yeah, one of the recommended ways to accomplish this task is to get friends to help you, so between songs you can take pee breaks — of course, if you do that isn't it cheating? Sure, but the achievement is called Bladder of Steel, not Friendship of Steel, although now we kinda wanna see that one.

Getting to the highest level in World of Warcraft without killing anyone

World of Warcraft is a pretty intensive game that — as the title might suggest — involves beating the death into a lot of people. Most quests involve travelling to new and exotic places and killing every hecking thing you can find. Some of the kill quests are so hard, you need to team up with others to kill them hard enough. Kill kill kill. It's a very killing game.


Of course, there are some who manage to get to the highest of all possible levels without killing a single soul. And when we same "some," we mean "one." His name is Noor the Pacifist and he's probably a serial killer because, c'mon, who enters a game and goes, "Wow, you know what would be a fun break from my everyday life? Being a person who doesn't kill anyone!"

But it's not just death Noor avoids: he tries to not even hit anyone, not even as a warning shot. Who doesn't give a warning hit? The savage. Give him credit though — through a lot of random quests, and — ugh — helping others, he managed to get to the highest level of the game without killing a thing. Although, really, what's the point of that? We'd joke that his version of the game should be called World of Lovecraft, except that's a whole other thing entirely.


Play a perfect game of Pac-Man, which takes three hours

This is approximately two hours and fifty-five minutes longer than any normal human being can stand playing Pac-man. Seriously, it's the same level every time. Odds are you hit Level 2 and then gave up because, while Pac-Man is a revolutionary game that countless kids and arcade nuts have played to death for the past 35 years, Pacman also sucks.


Despite that undeniable fact, a bunch of people have dedicated themselves to beating the entire game, which means grinding through 255 identical levels, and achieving a perfect score of 3,333,360. Dave Race (which is almost certainly not his real name) is the current record holder, having beaten the game in three hours and thirty three minutes. This again, is time you could spend doing literally anything else. Watching the sunset. Smelling flowers. Playing Galaga. Anything else.

Oh, and if you're wondering what happens when you beat all 255 levels? The game crashes — that's it. Not even Pac-Man expected you to play that much Pac-Man, so the fact that you did is pure information overload.

See all of Fallout 4 in just 750 hours

If your only goal with Fallout 4 is to beat the main quest, you can do that in probably a few hours But to see everything the game has to offer — every location, every landmark, every settlement, every abandoned school, every last speck of post-apocalyptic Boston — takes, oh, 750 hours.


That's right: seven hundred and fifty hours. That's about thirty-one real-life days' worth of playing, provided you don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn, you just wander the Wasteland all day long. That's exactly what one player — Thomas, or "The LAWD" as he's known online — did (well, the playing part anyway — we assume he took frequent life breaks). He saw every single bit of Fallout 4. All of it. We hope he took pictures!

Oh, he did? He documented the entire thing on his YouTube channel? Oh, that's actually ... pretty neat. Now we too can waste 750 hours watching his exploration, instead of actually doing it ourselves. And really, isn't that what YouTube is all about — enabling us to vicariously experience others' experiences?


What's truly amazing is that Thomas didn't even get into video games until the previous Fallout game, New Vegas. Oh boy, wait until he discovers Pac-Man!

It took three years to beat the hardest Super Mario World level

If you haven't watched the above video, please do, because it's hard for us to really sum it up, at least with words we're actually allowed to use here. It's mesmerizing.

For those of you who can't bear witness to it in all its horror and glory, we'll attempt to describe it. It's a fan-created level of Super Mario World called "Item Abuse 3" and ... well ... it looks impossible. To beat the level, you have to use all sorts of random exploits that most average gamers wouldn't think to do. For instance, you have to let yourself get hurt after powering up, and then use that small window of invulnerability to get to the next ledge, because that's the only way you can. Elsewhere, you must throw items up and catch them over and over, enabling a form of flight.


We're not just saying random things, either — those are real, actual things that happen in that level. It's awful. However, like all things in our world, it can be mastered. It can be beaten and, eventually, it finally was. It took three years for anyone to beat this one level. A player named PangaeaPanga (real name: PangaeaPangu) finally pulled it off, and amazingly enough? They made the level. It took them three years to master their own creation! It's like that old conundrum "could God bake a cake so big even God couldn't eat?" or in puny-mortal-nerd form.

The Doom II "nightmare difficulty, don't die" challenge took 19 years for anyone to beat

Not only might Doom be older than you, a special challenge in its sequel, Doom II, is probably older than you too. This particular challenge took nineteen years for anyone to beat. Do you understand that? If you had conceived a child at the same time this challenge was created, that child would entering college at the same time it was beat.


Honestly, getting into college seems like it'd be easier than beating this challenge. Hell, getting out without piles of debt seems easier. See the goal is to beat the entire game (easy), without dying (um), on the hardest difficulty (nope), on the most difficult levels, where the enemies constantly respawn, constantly pursue you, and their power constantly varies, so one hit could kill you at anytime (NOPE NOPE NOPE AHHHHH).

Despite this sounding like the most impossible thing to do aside from get a fulfilling job with your college degree, someone named Zero Master actually managed to do it. If you don't want to check out the video above, just click this gif. No, your computer isn't glitching — that's just how fast the person is moving. We can't even comprehend what's happening here, let alone imagine how to actually do it. Honestly, of all the challenges in this entire article, this is the one we're most impressed with. Which, you know, is fair, since it took the longest.


It took five years to beat Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ... while blind

Ever try to beat a video game with your eyes closed? There are some games this seems possible with — a lot of RPGs, visual novels, and many of those weird Japanese games your creepy cousin plays. You know what doesn't seem beatable with your eyes closed? Freaking Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, if for nothing else than the Water Temple, which is damn near impossible to beat when you have sight. How in Hyrule are you going to get through that when you can't see a dang thing? With lots of help, and more determination than anyone being seems capable of having apparently.


Terry Garrett, who is blind, beat the entire game — Water Temple and all — the same way he conquered life — listening and with help from others. It took him five long years, but he did it. Even with all of that, we just gotta say it again ... Water Temple. Like ... how??

Somebody beat Fallout 4 without killing anyone

Oh, what's this, another pacifist? What's with all these people placed in a morally grey world, given awesome weapons, and decide, "Eh, I'll just chill instead"? These games weren't designed for this, you know? Really, we're not kidding, these games can't actually even.


A man named Kyle Hinckley ran through Fallout 4 without killing anybody — even the villains whose deaths advance the story. This actions actually almost broke the game. The audio turned weird, and characters just flat-out refused to move during this guy's playthrough. The game literally didn't know what to do.

Of course, it's possible the creators never thought someone would be as dedicated as Hinckley, because they made the game damn near impossible to win without killing anyone or anything. It's so hard, in fact, Hinckley poured around sixty hours into the game before realizing that the story choices he had made led to him being responsible for six deaths. While we would just give up and noodle with Tetris after that colossal failure, he simply started all over again, making better choices this time.


Now, to be fair, people do die in a no-kill run — it's just that your character never kills him. The game has a counter that monitors how many people you kill, and Hinckley's never ticked above 0. It's not just people either — animals, robots, nothing died by his character's hands. However, there are parts where characters do need to die, seemingly by your hands. So what Hinckley did was, he saved right before the big encounter, and then tried again and again until he gets the outcome he wanted (which was usually brainwashing other creatures to kill for him). It's kinda cheating, but eh, at least it's not murder.

But even doing it this way doesn't doesn't make a kill-free Fallout 4 any easier. It took Hinckley five hours to get through one boss fight. So if you feel like seeing what it's like to be a pacifist in a Mad Max world, you can check out his feed, watch the video, or wait until the Ninth Nuclear war and test your peace-and-love mettle there.

