This Is Axl Rose's Biggest Regret

Guns N' Roses lead singer Axl Rose may seem like a man who lives with no regrets, however there is one moment in his life that he does wish he could change. Well, maybe two, if you count Rose finally apologizing in 2013 for always showing up late to concerts. But, the biggest regret of Rose's life was when he didn't reach out to a friend he knew was in trouble. That friend was Todd Crew, bassist for the band Jetboy, and a close friend who died due to an overdose. In an interview with Rolling Stone in 1989, Rose talked about the very unfortunate situation: "I didn't talk to Todd Crew before he went to New York. I felt a massive need to talk to him out of concern for his well-being. But I wasn't aware enough to realize I didn't have the time I thought I did. I thought I'd have time later."


Controversy surrounding Todd Crew's passing

According to multiple members from Jetboy and Rose's Guns N' Roses bandmate Slash, there are multiple stories surrounding Crew's passing. Louder reports that after GNR returned to the US from London, Slash spent the night in New York scoring heroin. Crew would overdose while Slash tried to save him. "Todd had done heroin but he wasn't that experienced," Slash said. "His breathing stopped. I called 911. I threw water on him. Nothing worked. I couldn't save him. Todd — all of twenty-one years old — died in my arms." 


In an interview with Marion Pierson of Punk Globe, the members of Jetboy shared their version of the story, saying: "Slash is a liar and he knows it. The few people that were there that night know what really happened and that Slash is 100% full of s***. Todd OD'd twice that night, we were told. The first time Slash didn't even bother calling 911. After they revived him for a minute, everyone freaked out, being high on dope; and left (Slash included)."

No matter how it played out, the situation was certainly unfortunate and it's easy to see how Rose would look at it as something he regrets. Crew, who had so much potential as a musician, passed at a young age and left behind family and friends who never got to see him live up to it. 


If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

