Live! With Kelly And Ryan: 4 Facts You May Not Know

Since it first hit national airwaves in 1988, the Live! morning show has seen plenty of hosts grace its studio floor. Regis Philbin and Kathie Lee Gifford kicked off its national run way back when, but the show has been all over the place since then. Today we learned that Ryan Seacrest is joining Kelly Ripa to host, so here are some facts about Kelly and Ryan you may not know.

Ryan is a huge philanthropist

Ryan Seacrest doesn't seem to be sitting on his hands now that he's hit the big time. He started the Ryan Seacrest Foundation in 2009, which provides entertainment and multimedia productions to children's hospitals around the country. Variety magazine named him its philanthropist of the year in 2015 for the work his foundation has done. The foundation now has ten studios, and famous artists like Ed Sheeran, Selena Gomez, and Nick Jonas have all joined the cause.

Kelly almost lost her sister and nephew to a drunk driver

When Kelly's pregnant sister Linda Ripa was hit and nearly killed by a drunk driver in 1999, Kelly Ripa got passionate about drunk driving. Thankfully, Linda's baby survived. Kelly soon joined Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and began to speak out about the problem. She also has worked to raise funds for curing ovarian cancer. Maybe Kelly and Ryan can give a boost to other charitable organizations and causes now that they're officially teamed up for the long haul.

Kelly barely sleeps

In a 2012 interview with Good Housekeeping, Ripa explained her sleeping habits like this: "I typically go to bed at 1:00 A.M. Then I wake up around 3:30 for some reason. I get up and check on the kids. Mark will say, "Why are you awake?" I'm not sure. ... Then I usually get up around 6:00 A.M. and get the kids ready for school and get them fed. Five hours of sleep a night is where I am."

Oof. It must be a downright miracle that she's awake in time for her own morning show, not to mention how peppy and energetic she is. You go, girl.

Ryan is obsessed with wine

Lots of people like wine. Plenty of people would say they even love wine. But Ryan Seacrest is obsessed with wine. As soon as he got his first DJ job, his budget allowed him a nicer bottle of wine each week. He's lived in a few different houses since hitting the big time, and he's built custom wine cellars in at least two of them. The first one took up an entire floor. If you were rich, wouldn't you do the same?