Celebs Who Believe In Crazy Conspiracy Theories

From Apollo 11 to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a number of celebrities have called into question some of the most important moments in American history. What's their deal? You better break out the tin foil hats as we reveal seven famous faces who give new meaning to "The Truth Is Out There."


Whoopi Goldberg

On the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's landing on the Moon, The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg called into question some of that historic day's events. "Who shot the footage [of the astronauts on the Moon]?" she quipped. Later, she said: "I love great conspiracy theories, and [the moon landing conspiracies] are better than a lot of them ... Why is the flag rippling? There's no air!" Clearly not having any of it, Barbara Walters shot down Goldberg's questions, saying, "There are people who don't believe the Holocaust happened; there are people still questioning the assassination of [President] John [F.] Kennedy ... But six moon landings and all of these astronauts have testified to it, I'd rather given them the credit [than question it]." Game: Barbara Walters.


Mark Ruffalo

Multiple celebrities have come out and questioned the events that occurred before, during, and after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Rosie O'Donnell, Christine Ebersole, and Marion Cotillard are just some of the famous faces who have raised a brow or two to one of the worst tragedies in United States history. Also on the list: two-time Oscar-nominated actor Mark Ruffalo, who in the past has implied he thinks there was more happening behind the scenes than what was presented to the public. "Listen, the fact that the 9/11 investigation went from the moment the planes hit [the World Trade Center] to the moment that the buildings fell, and nothing before and nothing after, makes that investigation completely illegitimate," he said during an interview at an anti-war rally in 2007. Maybe that's how he channeled The Hulk's uncontrollable rage.


Kylie Jenner

Another popular conspiracy theory debated among celebrities are chemtrails. Celebrities like Prince, Roseanne Barr, and Beck are convinced that those pretty, cloud-like trails occasionally given off by aircrafts, known as contrails, are actually chemicals being released into the skies to control the weather, destroy the universe, or some other impossible purpose. The conspiracy theory has become so popular in Hollywood that even reality TV star Kylie Jenner has joined the bandwagon. At least that's what she appeared to do in May 2015, when she posted a meme to Twitter that asked such questions such as "Why did I see 75 planes spraying white stuff into the sky on my 15 minute drive to work?" and, perhaps most pointedly, "Who is responcible [sic]?" If Kylie Jenner subscribes to your conspiracy theory, doesn't that automatically make it wrong?


Oliver Stone

Among the biggest believers of the theory that President John F. Kennedy wasn't killed by Lee Harvey Oswald back in 1963 is Oliver Stone—heck, he even directed JFK, a movie arguing otherwise in 1991. The Oscar-winning director has stood by his theory throughout his life, going as far to write an essay for USA Today marking the 50th anniversary of JFK's death, in which he accused conspiracy deniers of being in denial themselves. He wrote, "Living through the news media assault of the past few weeks leading up to this 50th year's commemoration marking the violent end of JFK's presidency, I'm amazed there is any single adult left in the USA who would not think that Lee Harvey Oswald was the one and only assassin."


Kanye West

Kanye West has said a lot of wild things throughout his career. Remember when he announced he was running for President in 2020? Perhaps his biggest head-scratcher came during the Philadelphia stop of the 2005 Live 8 AIDS awareness tour. West argued that AIDS was a "man-made disease ... placed in Africa just like crack was placed in the black community to break up the Black Panthers." West also rapped about his theory on his hit song, "Heard 'Em Say," saying, "I know the government administered AIDS / So I guess we just pray like the minister say." Good luck with that campaign, Yeezy.


Jenny McCarthy

At the forefront of the debate over whether or not to vaccinate your children is actress, model, and overall nuisance Jenny McCarthy. This former Playmate has argued for years that her son, Evan, became autistic due to a vaccination. McCarthy's opinions have been widely debated and criticized, and many high-profile figures—including Oprah and Larry King—have been attacked for giving McCarthy the platform to share her claims with a widespread audience. In recent years, McCarthy has backtracked a bit on her aggressive claims. In 2014, she wrote an editorial for the Chicago Sun-Times, in which she boldly stated, "I am not 'anti-vaccine.'" In response, BuzzFeed so brilliantly responded with this.


Donald Trump

Way back at the start of the decade, current Presidential candidate Donald Trump was one of the biggest deniers that President Barack Obama was actually born in the United States. In fact, Trump went on every news and talk show you could think of alleging that Obama was shady for not agreeing to release his birth certificate to the public. Obama finally caved in April 2011, a decision Trump ultimately took credit for (natch). Years later, however, Trump would become much more quiet on the subject matter. Asked in 2015 by Anderson Cooper whether he believes Obama was actually born in the United States, Trump said, "I don't know. I really don't know. I don't know why he wouldn't release his records." Since Obama revealed that his American birth certificate was real, Trump should do likewise for his hair.


