The Extreme Sport That Involves Surfing Down An Active Volcano

These days there are sports and experiences for every level of comfort, from the everyday baseball, soccer, and hockey to the more intense skydiving, rock climbing, and spelunking. The explorers, adventurers, and risk-takers that favor the latter activities will love to know that there's an extreme sport called volcano boarding, and it's exactly what it sounds like. Volcano boarding may not be the most dangerous sport in the world, but it definitely isn't for the faint of heart.


Volcano boarding isn't an extreme sport that can take place anywhere, and certainly not on any old volcano. A popular tourist spot for thrill seekers to participate in this daring act is the Cerro Negro Mountain volcano, located just outside of Leon, Nicaragua. The volcano hasn't erupted since 1999, and thankfully, according to Volcano Board, it's monitored regularly. There are several details involved with volcano boarding aside from a board, a volcano, and a whole lot of courage on the boarder's part.

Safety comes first even when surfing down a volcano

Volcano boarding allows participants to sled down the side of a volcano on a wooden board. The board isn't just made of wood, though. It's equipped with a metal bottom to better slide down the tiny, sharp lava rock, and has ropes attached for better handling. The journey to volcano boarding is around an hour-long, 2,388-foot hike up Cerro Negro Mountain with a board strapped to your back, according to Expert Vagabond. Once at the starting point, prospective riders can then look down on their upcoming journey.


Along with their boards, riders typically wear a protective jumpsuit for their journey and are given a set of goggles and gloves. Volcano boarding is a bit more dangerous than, say, the sport of extreme sitting, and there's a risk of crash landing on the way down. The rocks that make up the mountain are small, loose, and extremely sharp, meaning they can cut through human skin easily, making the jumpsuits highly recommended. When ready to embark down the volcano, these adrenaline seekers can choose to stand or sit. Neither provides much control overall, but sitting allows the rider to go faster (per Expert Vagabond).

Volcano boarding is a modern extreme sport

Volcano boarding is relatively new in the world of sports. The first known rider to set off down Cerro Negro was an Australian tour guide, Darryn Webb, in 2004. He thought the mountain looked perfect for surfing, according to National Geographic. In 2007, volcano boarding was granted government recognition. Now, both experienced and inexperienced travelers seeking to surf down the side of a volcano can live out their breathtaking dreams.


The adrenaline that kicks in while sliding down an active volcano is only known to those who have done it, but it may be similar to what happens to your body after a jump scare in a horror movie. Those who want to achieve their adrenaline rush in a more tame, less volcanic environment always have the option to try other things first. However, volcano boarding is an option for those who have been looking for the next big scare.

