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The Most Inspirational Nikki Sixx Quotes About Life

Iconic Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx's wild life began when he was born Frank Carlton Serafino Feranna, Jr. Per the band's collaborative autobiography, he changed his name because he didn't want to walk around bearing the moniker of his abusive father. For most of his young career, Sixx embodied the rockstar lifestyle. Money, sex, drugs — you name it. He and Motley Crue were the hard rock kings of the Sunset Strip — the big dogs. Many of his exploits were dramatized in the 2018 Netflix biopic adapted from the band's autobiography, The Dirt. Both the book and movie reveal that through all the insane antics, he was obviously hurting.

Sixx battled addiction for most of his time with Motley Crue. During one scary brush with a heroin overdose, he was reportedly dead for over a minute, according to Newsweek. He clearly felt he had nowhere to turn. Sixx would ultimately hit rock bottom, but has since been sober and enjoys a reasonably stable family life. Armed with all that tortured experience, he unsurprisingly has quite a bit to say about the nature of living.

Sixx's hot takes on life are sometimes cynical — how could they not be given all the curve balls he was thrown? But even when his wisdom seems tinged with a sense of negativity or regret, he never descends into outright nihilism. This is not a man who ever gave up on life or living. Though finding the optimism in Sixx's dire recollections and warnings often feels like sifting for diamonds on a beach, you'll find them, if you look hard enough. 

Words to live by from a guy who lived

"In my opinion it's how we handle the darkness that really allows us to bask in the sunshine." — The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star by Nikki Sixx

"I never had a template of what a family was, I never really thought I would ever make it to that place in my life. I thought I'd be one of these crash and burn kids. So I threw myself headlong into music and that lifestyle. I never really figured I'd get out of the other side. A few years later, when I got sober and was able to become a father and have a family, that was when some of the greatest lessons came." — Interview with the Guardian

"I never thought there was a God (well, maybe I thought I was him), but I know now there's a power greater than myself and, that has been a huge part of my sobriety. So I let sh*t go and let the man upstairs deal with it." — The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star"

"I'm very grateful. I'm surprised that all four of us are still alive. I wake up every day and look around and see that I'm a father, and that I'm married, and that I have all these projects that I'm involved with." — Interview with Kerrang

"I have always said 'If you can dream it, you can have it.'" – This is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography and Life Through the Distorted Lens of Nikki Sixx by Nikki Sixx

"Life is not all roses ... it's hard and the struggle gives us values and grit. The big difference is that I have faced the challenges sober, with my sights set on staying in the moment and being honest." — The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star

"To keep my happiness I've got to give away as much as I can. It works. Amazing. A guy who mostly consumed, took and would go out of his way to bust people's balls using this as a mantra. Amazing." – The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star

"I'm not scared of death at all. In my own broken philosophy, if you live your life right, death is something to look forward to. It gives you a reason to be alive.." — Interview with Loudersound

"By now, I can't imagine not taking pictures whenever the moment moves me — from the first rays of morning light bouncing off the windowsill to the laughter roaring out of a wild man standing on the corner of the freeway, begging for change. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say, and I say they're right. I also say you see what you want to see, so I keep my eyes wide open at all times." — This is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography and Life Through the Distorted Lens of Nikki Sixx

"I'm probably happier now than I ever have been in my life. I'm sober, content in my skin, married and in love, a family man, a business man and every day, from the moment I wake up, I'm constantly engrossed in creativity. I believe you need to feed your obsession ... chase it ... track it down ... and embrace it. Mine is creativity. Have you found yours yet?" — The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star

I have a zest for life and I love the idea that I go home to my family and my wife and they understand me. We have a great life and so much fun together. I would never be single and not be a father. I had a time, and what a time it was, but this surpasses it a thousand fold. I love stability, because what swirls around me is insanity. — Interview with the Guardian

"What I've learned is clarity is one of the most important things we can learn and teach ourselves in life ... yes it can be learned." — The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star

"No matter how they look, I say they are pretty things. After all, if they can make you feel, they must be special. This is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography and Life Through the Distorted Lens of Nikki Sixx