Where Does Dan Bilzerian Live And How Big Is His House?

Dan Bilzerian is a lot of things, and true to his self-appointed "King of Instagram" title, it's sometimes hard to tell which claims are true and which ones have gone through a generous helping of filters and Photoshop. While he's certainly very, very rich, is he really as good at poker as he has insinuated? What was up with his movie role in Lone Survivor – you know, the one that ended up in a lawsuit due to a massively reduced screentime? How many combs does his beard eat on a weekly basis?


So many questions! However, the most important Bilzerian-themed answer we need today is related to the fact that the man with the beard likes living it large. As one can surmise, large living requires impressive surroundings, and as anyone who has glanced at Bilzerian's Instagram can readily attest, the man is fond of the finer (or at least flashier) things in life. Have you ever wondered just where and how a man with his particular tastes and budget actually spends his day-to-day? Well, wonder no more! Here's where Dan Bilzerian lives and how big his house is. 

What happens in Vegas ends up on Instagram

According to Dylan Parker of The Travel, Dan Bilzerian's main dig appears to be a huge, 9,400-square foot mansion in Las Vegas, reportedly valued at $5.1 million. The complex includes a giant pool, a huge gaming room, a movie theater, five bedrooms and several built-in bars. The outdoor area has been equipped with all sorts of features, up to and including a minigolf range. Oh, and there's also a goat. Just a goat, hanging around the place. Because why not? 


Until recently, Bilzerian also kept a monstrous, four-story mansion in Los Angeles' exclusive Bel Air neighborhood. The sprawling party compound featured no less than 12 bedrooms, along with bars, pools, astroturfed outdoor spaces, and all sorts of special, tricked-out areas and lighting effects that make the place seem like a nightclub. However, Chris Roberts of Forbes tells us that Bilzerian was actually renting the 31,000-square-foot complex through his company, Ignite International Brands, for a cool $200,000 a month. As of July 16, 2020, it remains unclear why he chose to vacate the premises. Reportedly, Ignite was more than one month behind on rent, and the owner of the mansion wanted to sell it. The move may also have been a simple cost-cutting measure, seeing as Roberts has also noted that Bilzerian's company lost $50 million in 2019. Regardless of the reason, one thing is certain: The hard-partying, firework-loving millionaire's Bel Air neighbors were very, very happy to see him leave.


