What Happened To Gypsy Rose Blanchard?

In 2016, Gypsy Rose Blanchard pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the death of her mother, Dee Dee. Although Gypsy did not actually kill her mother, she admittedly encouraged her boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn, to do so. As reported by Biography, the case gained international attention because Gypsy claimed she was a victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.


Essentially, Dee Dee Blanchard convinced everyone, including a number of doctors, that her daughter was terminally ill. As Dee Dee had a medical background, she managed to convince doctors Gypsy was experiencing symptoms that suggested specific illnesses. As a result, Gypsy underwent dozens of medical procedures and had been taking numerous medications since she was eight years old.

As reported by Women's Health Magazine, Dee Dee claimed Gypsy had asthma, leukemia, muscular dystrophy, and hearing and vision impairments among other maladies. She also convinced everyone that Gypsy required a feeding tube and a wheelchair. However, with the exception of a "lazy eye," Gypsy Rose Blanchard was in perfect physical health


Gypsy knew at least some of the illnesses were being faked, and that her mother was using the illnesses to obtain money, vacations, and even a home, from charitable organizations. Gypsy Rose also realized Dee Dee was using the illnesses to control nearly every aspect of her life. However, she did not have the fortitude to question her mother's decisions until she met Nicholas Godejohn. 

Gypsy Rose Blanchard ultimately determined that she could not escape the situation unless her mother was dead.

Where is Gypsy Rose Blanchard now?

As reported by Biography, Gypsy Rose Blanchard admitted she was happy to be "out of that situation." However, she said she is "not happy [her mother] is dead." She also said she has more freedom in prison than she ever had under her mother's care. For the first time in decades, she was allowed to grow out her hair, eat regular food, and walk without any assistance.


According to KMBC, Rose will be released on December 28, 2023. E! reports that she has made the best of her time while incarcerated. Through programs offered at the prison, she developed a keen interest in photography and cosmetology. Gypsy's stepmother, Kristy Blanchard, said Gypsy often volunteers to take photos of her fellow inmates and also enjoys doing makeup and learning about skincare. Gypsy also participates in a program that partners inmates with dogs.

In addition to learning a variety of new hobbies, Gypsy Rose Blanchard is working toward earning her GED and developing some essential life skills. Kristy said prison has actually had a positive impact on her stepdaughter, because "it gave her structure, and discipline and she can have a social setting, and she can learn things, and she can get an education." She also believes Gypsy has learned that her actions can have serious consequences.


The Daily Mail reports Gypsy Rose Blanchard is currently engaged to a man named Ken, who she met via mail while incarcerated. Gypsy said they plan to marry following her release.

