Inside The Mysterious Disappearance Of Rebecca Coriam

On March 21, 2011, cruise ship employee Rebecca Coriam sent her parents a text message, letting them know that she would call them the following day. However, Coriam did not report for work the next morning, and her friends and co-workers had not seen her since the previous evening. Although the crew conducted an extensive search, there was no sign of Coriam or any clues to her whereabouts. The 24-year-old woman had simply vanished without a trace.


As reported by Mirror, Rebecca Coriam, a British citizen, joined the crew of the Disney Wonder cruise ship in June 2010. On the evening of March 21, 2011, the ship left Los Angeles, California en route to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. At 5:45 the following morning, the ship's surveillance cameras captured Coriam in the crew lounge, where she was making a phone call.

All That's Interesting reports Coriam was using an internal phone line and was "visibly distressed" during the call. She was also wearing what appeared to be "men's clothing." The surveillance footage was the last time Coriam was seen alive.

As Rebecca Coriam was not found anywhere on the ship, Disney contacted The United States Coast Guard and Mexican Navy — who conducted an extensive search of the waters along the cruise ship's path. However, Coriam was never found.


The ship's captain concluded Rebecca Coriam was likely standing on Deck 5 when she was struck by a rogue wave and swept off the deck and out to sea.

Disney claims Rebecca Coriam was killed by a rogue wave

As reported by All That's Interesting, the only proof that Rebecca Coriam was on Deck 5 was one of her sandals, which was reportedly found on the deck.

Although Disney has expressed confidence in their theory, Coriam's family is not convinced their daughter was killed by a rogue wave. In an attempt to find out what actually happened on the evening Coriam disappeared, they hired private investigator Roy Ramm.


All That's Interesting reports the rogue wave would have had to be approximately 100 feet tall to have reached Coriam and swept her off the deck. Ramm noted that the deck was surrounded by six-foot walls. Furthermore, there were no reports or storms or any large waves on the evening Coriam vanished.

Ramm also discovered the footage of Coriam on the telephone was missing the timestamp and location. Although Disney said the footage was recorded near Deck 5, she was actually on Deck 1.

As reported by All That's Interesting, the investigator also discovered the sandal found on Deck 5 was labeled with the name and cabin number of another individual. Coriam's family and friends also confirmed it was not the correct size and not a style that Coriam would normally wear.


It has also been suggested that Rebecca Coriam may have committed suicide. In a 2017 interview with The Sun, Coriam's co-worker and former lover, Tracie Medley, said Coriam was still struggling after being raped as a teen.

What happened to Rebecca Coriam?

Medley said Rebecca Coriam used cocaine to self-medicate. However, she was still "in turmoil." During her interview with The Sun, Medley also suggested Coriam's family was "ashamed that she was a lesbian."


The night before Coriam's disappearance, she was reportedly drinking heavily and had some kind of a mental breakdown, according to Medley. Medley said she and three others were trying to help Coriam back to her room. However, she began to "scream, cry, punch herself in the face, and bang her head against the walls of the ship." Later that same night, Coriam reportedly "said something along the lines of feeling like a failure because she wasn't brave enough to jump off the ship."

Tracie Medley told The Sun that she and Coriam spent the evening of March 21, 2011, with Medley's boyfriend Deven Hyde — who was a bartender on the ship. Medley said that Coriam left Hyde's room in the early morning hours of March 22, 2011, and she never saw her again.


Although she has been accused of being involved in Coriam's death, Medley said she "never did anything to physically harm" her friend. She believes Coriam "jumped," because she had attempted suicide in the past.

Rebecca Coriam's family and friends in England do not believe she was capable of taking her own life. Instead, they suspect foul play. Member of Parliament Chris Matheson agrees. As reported by BBC, Matheson said he thinks "there's sufficient evidence to indicate a crime may well have taken place."

