Weirdest Laws In Arkansas

Those who have traveled the great state of Arkansas can attest to the natural beauty this state has to offer. From the densely wooded hills of Devil's Den State Park to the Ozark Mountains, tourists come in droves to take in the scenery that is unique to the state. 


Every state has its charms and its quirks. When it comes to the law in Arkansas, you'll find it mostly in line with the laws of other states in the union. And like any state, there are going to be some particularly weird laws that were passed generations ago, but are still oddly on the books as of this writing. Covering everything from when your dog can bark to how a teacher can cut her hair, hard as it might be to believe, the weirdness of the laws in Arkansas is quite diverse and covers a wide array of legal topics. 

Laws in Little Rock

While there are weird laws on the books in communities all across the state of Arkansas, the capital city of Little Rock seems to have the lion's share of the weirdest examples. For example, it is against the city code in the capital to honk your horn in the parking lot of any establishment after 9 p.m. if that establishment sells cold drinks or sandwiches (via Stupid Laws). So if you're tempted to blare your horn at your crush during a stop at the local Sonic, better check your clock first. Little Rock also disallows pulling into a drive-through restaurant parking lot unless you park your vehicle. Of course, this law does not apply if there are no legal spaces available. 


If you are thinking of eating a nice piece of cheese this Friday, you should probably make sure you have the proper beverage to accompany it. Eating cheese in Little Rock on this day of the week is illegal unless you have a large bottle of beer to go with it.

A law regarding teachers' hair

Unfortunately, you'll find that many of the laws written years ago were rooted in sexist ideas of how a community and family should function. In the city of Little Rock, it is against the law for men and women to flirt with one another in public spaces. Anyone violating this law could potentially face up to 30 days in the county jail and be hit with a fine (per Only in Arkansas). 


It's permissible for a female teacher to seek a raise for her work. But she would run afoul of the law if she cut her hair into a bob before asking for more pay. An equally puzzling state law prohibits men from asking women to dance during July (via Stupid Laws). 

What might be the most disturbing law that was once on the books in this state regards domestic abuse. It was once legal for a man to physically assault his wife at home, but he was limited to committing this act only once per month. Today, Arkansas law prosecutes domestic abuse, according to the Office of the City Attorney in Springdale, Arkansas.

Atheists be warned

Arkansas state officials at one point went so far as to govern how to pronounce the name of the state. Phonetically, the state is pronounced "Ar Kan Saw," and anyone who says it any differently is a lawbreaker (via Stupid Laws).


Thinking of running for public office? Each state and municipality often have qualifications that are shared. But statewide in Arkansas, things are a bit more restrictive than they might be elsewhere. If you are an atheist, you are forbidden from holding any public office. Additionally, atheists are not allowed to testify in court as witnesses. Planning on voting? Be sure to make the best use of your time in the polling location. There's a law that limits your time in the voting booth to a mere five minutes.

For some reason, there is a state law that will not allow you to name your child Zabradacka. (Good luck finding that name on a keychain at Disneyland.) There are also many state laws in force regarding what kinds of sexual intercourse you can and cannot have.


Walk your cow before 1 p.m.

Many of us enjoy a good burger from time to time. And there is an abundance of places in Arkansas to get one. But you won't find any made out of owls or bats in Fayetteville, as local law forbids it (via Stupid Laws). Speaking of burgers, Fayetteville won't let you walk your cow down the street after 1 p.m. on Sundays. So better get Bessie's walk in before church, lest you get a fine. 


Fayetteville will also not allow you to kill any living creature, which raises the question of mosquito season. Along with the theme of laws regarding animals in this community, your dog isn't allowed to bark after 6 p.m. Silence your mutt or you'll be cited for it. Speaking of pets, there's no law against having a pet alligator. You're just not allowed to let it live in your bathtub. 

Only in Your State tells us that taking your children through a drive-thru is legal. But yelling at your children while in line will get you into hot water with the law.

Laws governing nature

In perhaps one of the most bizarre laws still enforceable in Arkansas, state lawmakers passed legislation regarding the height of rivers. Rivers throughout the state are not allowed to exceed the height of any Main Street bridge (per Trivia Sharp). As if it's difficult enough to get humankind to obey the law, officials in Arkansas have demanded that nature abides by their demands.


As odd as a lot of these laws sound, there were most often valid reasons for many of them when they were being written. While we can agree that the ones that promote discrimination of any kind were ethically wrong, many of the others presented here at one time served a legitimate purpose. As society is a living and breathing entity, so laws should be. Continuously updating, revising, and proposing new laws keeps the legal system in line with the cultural norms of the times. Likewise, combing through and striking down archaic laws that no longer apply or are unfair should also be a part of this process. 

