Why Is It Called The Adam's Apple?

Many of the words and phrases we use in English come from the Bible. It's hardly surprising. England has been almost uniformly Christian for centuries, and as such, the ancient religious text informed our language. For example, to offer something to someone who doesn't appreciate its value is to "cast your pearls before swine," referencing a sermon by Jesus in Matthew 7. Similarly, the phrase "go the extra mile" comes from a teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5 in which he instructs, "If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles."

Another English turn of phrase that comes from the Bible refers to a part of the human anatomy. Or at least, part of the human anatomy of adult men and post-pubescent boys. The laryngeal prominence — the protrusion of the neck that is more prominent in males than females — takes its name from an unfortunate incident in the Old Testament.

Adam really screwed things up

In Genesis 3, the narrative tells of Adam and Eve being tempted by a serpent, who tempted them to eat the forbidden fruit — that is, fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve both ate the fruit, which, for the record, is not specifically described as an apple but just a generic fruit, and metaphorically the apple got stuck in Adam's throat, figuratively resulting in the protrusion in men's necks (which is actually the natural result of how male and female bodies grow). At least, that's one theory, per Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Another theory, provided by Mental Floss, also has a biblical connection, although a much looser one. The second theory is that "Adam's apple" comes from a mistranslation of the Hebrew phrase "tappuah ha'adam." Depending on context, this could mean something as mundane as "man's swelling," again referring to the protrusion in men's throats.