This California Historic House Is Said To Be One Of The Most Haunted Places In America

It would seem that even paradise has its little pockets of darkness scattered about. In addition to being a destination spot and one of the most beautiful cities in the continental United States, San Diego is also home to a series of allegedly haunted locations that represent a spookier corner of its vast history. One such spot is the iconic Whaley House. 


It's been void of residents since 1953, but the Whaley House is home to tourists, paranormal bloodhounds, and quite possibly a few lingering spirits it's collected over the years — spirits who decided they weren't quite ready to leave. Those who visit the residence have reported seeing faces in windows, smelling strange aromas, curtains moving inexplicably, and even the sound of a child laughing at times (via Ghosts and Gravestones). Guided tours are routine, so there's no shortage of stories regarding what could or could not be happening within the Whaley House walls. 

The Whaley House history

The home's history stretches back almost two whole centuries. In 1855, Thomas Whaley built the house on a plot of land that once hosted the famous execution of Yankee Jim Robinson, a well-known thief. Onlookers were admittedly superstitious about the notion of building a home on the soil of such an infamous and unpleasant occurrence, but it didn't discourage the Whaley family from starting a new life there. However, as years passed, tragedy struck the homestead. 


Their youngest son, only 18 months old at the time, died of scarlet fever inside the house (hence the rumors of a child's laughter). Later on, the youngest sister Violet committed suicide after a marriage gone awry (it is said to be her flowery perfume that pervades the air when people claim to smell a sourceless aroma). Most of the family, including Thomas himself, died inside the Whaley House. Restoration workers in years to follow reported hearing strange noises, finding sourceless footsteps tracing the floorboards, and even the appearance of a woman — believed to be Violet — wandering the second floor only to disappear entirely (per Ghosts and Gravestones). The Whaley House still hosts visitors from across the country to this day.


