Who Is The Person Conducting Queen Elizabeth's Funeral?

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8, officials have wasted no time tending to the numerous meticulous steps leading up to her funeral. Every minute is accounted for, and no time is taken for granted. The transportation of her coffin, getting through the queue of mourners waiting to pay tribute, and even the details of the royal family's wardrobe are all things that have been planned behind closed doors for quite some time.


While the days leading up to Queen Elizabeth's funeral are crucial, the funeral itself is salient. According to Sky News, the day of the funeral starts with the end of lying in state and the doors to Westminster Hall being closed promptly at 6:30 a.m. From there, every moment is crucial, as at 10:52 a.m., the queen's coffin is carried into Westminster Abbey, where the service will commence.

There are hundreds of millions of people who won't be able to attend the queen's funeral, and for that reason, the rite will be broadcast on television, radio, and a multitude of streaming platforms (via Marie Claire). It is during this time that the world will hear the Very Reverend Dr. David Hoyle MBE, Dean of Westminster, conducting the funeral.


The 39th Dean of Westminster will be conducting the queen's funeral

The Very Reverend Dr. David Hoyle MBE is the 39th Dean of Westminster as of November 16, 2019 (per Westminster Abbey). He trained for the ministry at Ripon College, Cuddesdon. In 2020 he was awarded an MBE for his service to the community during his time as Dean of Bristol. Now he will be conducting the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey after her 70-year reign and 96 years of life on September 19.


The BBC quoted Dr. Hoyle regarding the queen's funeral: "This is an opportunity for us to give thanks for an extraordinary life and an extraordinary achievement, this is an opportunity for us to pray for our new King and for his family in their grief, and this is an opportunity, if you like, for us to give the grief somewhere to go." After Hoyle has finished conducting this historical — and for many, life-altering — event, Queen Elizabeth's funeral will come to a close at around 11:55 a.m. and will be followed by a two-minute silence in the Abbey and the U.K. (per Sky News). The death of the queen will have an impact on people all around the globe, and the silence honoring her may quite possibly be observed by millions.


