What Happened To Elizabeth Taylor's Children?

Here's the personal life of classic film star Elizabeth Taylor broken down by the numbers: she was married seven times, to six different men (actor Richard Burton twice, per CheatSheet), and she had four children: two sons and two daughters (pictured above.) Fathering those children were three of her six husbands; one daughter was adopted, with Burton (via Distractify).

While she lived, Taylor seemed constantly in the spotlight, as much for her eccentric lifestyle as her acting, especially near the end of her life. Did those children follow in Taylor's glamorous footsteps?

It's common for offspring of famous actors and actresses to join their parents in Hollywood. Actress Mariska Hargitay, for example, is the daughter of actress Jayne Mansfield, and Melanie Griffith's mom is Tippi Hedren (per Ranker). Perhaps most famously, Michael Douglas' dad was Kirk Douglas. Similarly, some, but not all, of Liz Taylor's children got into showbiz, both on screen and behind the camera.

Her sons followed her most closely

The only child of Elizabeth Taylor not to have some kind of connection to the entertainment industry, in fact, is her adopted daughter, Maria Burton. Taylor adopted Maria prior to her marriage to Richard Burton, and Burton adopted her later, per Distractify. She's also not to be confused with the accomplished film director Maria Burton (via IMDb). Not much else is known about the life of Taylor's adopted daughter, and for the most part she's kept to herself. In 2016, though, Taylor's granddaughter, Elizabeth Carson — Maria's daughter — spoke lovingly about her grandma to Town and Country Magazine. (Grandmother Liz did granddaughter Elizabeth's hair and makeup for junior and senior prom.)

Otherwise, Taylor's other three children all work in or have some connection to moviemaking, although it's likely you'd recognize only one of their faces from on-screen appearances. That's Michael Wilding Jr., the son of Taylor's second husband, Michael Wilding (pictured above.) Now retired, Wilding Jr. appeared in several well-known TV shows, including "Dallas" and "Guiding Light" (via Distractify). Her second son with Wilding, Christopher, is a retired film editor. Taylor had other daughter, Liza Todd, with Mike Todd, who died in a private plane crash. According to the New York Post, Liza made one uncredited film appearance (also via IMDb) before deciding to live her life out of the public eye.