The Old Hollywood Star You'd Be Friends With, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

In Oprah Daily, astrologer Lisa Stardust reveals that the question her clients most often ask is not about future wealth or career success, but about compatibility. Astrological matchmaking, Stardust notes, has been around for centuries, and complex compatibility charts have long been a necessity for astrologers. According to the New Yorker, charts like these were even incorporated into the pioneering work of social psychologist Carl Jung.


Stardust believes that while anyone can get along with anyone, astrology can shine a light on people's predilections and point them in the right direction, friendship- and romance-wise. And since people look to astrology to find their place in the cosmos and their connections to both the ordinary and the extraordinary, as noted by Smithsonian Magazine, it should come as no surprise that zodiac followers might be curious about their cosmic compatibility to celebrities, then and now.

So how do the astrological signs of Old Hollywood connect to you? Which Aries or Capricorn star would you likely chat up? Would you hang out with a Golden Age Leo or Aquarius? Or do you sing from the same hymnal as a classic Hollywood Gemini or Cancer? Only the stars — and their signs — know for sure.


Aries: Lucille Ball (Leo)

If you're a first-in-line Aries (March 21 – April 19) you are, according to astrologers at Horoscope, energetic, confident, and forward-thinking. And you're naturally attracted to fellow fire sign Leo. As Cosmopolitan astrologers note, Leos, like Aries, always go full tilt and aren't afraid of competition. Since Leos and Aries both love to trailblaze, an Aries friendship with TV pioneer Lucille Ball (born August 6, 1911) is an astrological no-brainer.


Although best known for her 1950s television shows "I Love Lucy" and "The Lucy Show," Ball began her acting career in the movies. As tallied by IMDb, between 1933 and 1950 — the year before her TV debut — Ball appeared in a whopping 76 films, an output that earned her the dubious moniker "The Queen of B Movies," according to Biography.  Prestige parts eluded her, and not even dying her blonde hair a fiery red improved the quality of her film offerings.

However, in true Leo fashion, Ball refused to give up on her career and reimagined herself as a TV comedy star. Not only did she fight for aesthetic and financial control of "I Love Lucy," she insisted that her real-life spouse, Desi Arnaz, be cast as her TV husband. Her determination to shoot the show on film instead of kinescope was revolutionary, and her tendency toward perfectionism — another Leo trait — ensured that her exquisitely timed comedy would endure for decades.


Taurus: Ingrid Bergman (Virgo)

According to Cosmopolitan astrologers, Taurus folks (April 20 – May 20) love nice things and never suffer fools gladly, making them solid companions for Virgos. As noted by astrologers in Allure, a Venus-ruled Taurus is materialistic, sensual, and artistic. Although ruled by Mercury, Virgos also have deep connections to the material world, but are big on communication as well, according to Allure astrologers. Like legendary leading lady Ingrid Bergman (born August 29, 1915), Virgos can be both sexy and down-to-earth, and can provide a friendly bullhorn for their Taurus pals.


According to History, Bergman was already a star in her home country of Sweden when she appeared in her first American movie, "Intermezzo" (1939), and her Hollywood career took off after her heartfelt performance in the 1942 romantic classic "Casablanca." In 1943, she earned her first of seven Academy Awards nominations for "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and won her first Oscar for her performance in "Gaslight" (1944), according to IMDb.

Bergman, who also appeared in "Notorious" (1946) and two other Hitchcock films, was known for her Virgo-like combination of smarts and sensuality. Her affair with director Roberto Rossellini and her out-of-wedlock pregnancy led to an ostracizing scandal in 1949, but she never apologized for her passion. Fittingly, she died on her birthday — a Virgo till the very end.


Gemini: Clark Gable (Aquarius)

Curiosity and aptitude — twin traits of Gemini (May 21 – June 21) — are nicely matched with independent and thoughtful Aquarius, according to astrologers at Horoscope. Like Geminis, Aquarians love to hang out and share intellectual pursuits, and they're cool with Geminis' occasional flightiness. However, as noted by Astrology-Zodiac-Signs astrologers, Aquarians can be slow to open up. So, which old Hollywood star could a Gemini count on for quality friendship? Aquarius Clark "King of Hollywood" Gable (born February 1, 1901).


According to Britannica, Gable landed his first starring role in 1931, and only three years later, won an Oscar for his sly and sexy performance in the romantic comedy "It Happened One Night." Regarded as a "man's man," he was beloved by film fans of both sexes. He is best remembered for his Oscar-nominated performance as laconic Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind" (1939). His parting line in that film — "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" — was ranked No. 1 on AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes list. 

Gable had five short marriages, including one to co-star Carole Lombard, who died in a plane crash. The tragedy reportedly broke Gable's will, and as befitting an Aquarius, his reputation as a loner grew. He also kept secrets, according to the New York Times, fathering at least one unacknowledged child. He died in 1960 while filming "The Misfits" with Marilyn Monroe, a Gemini.


Cancer: Elizabeth Taylor (Pisces)

Ruled by the moon, Cancers (June 22 – July 22) are resilient, creative, and emotionally intelligent, according to Horoscope astrologers. Cancers are natural matchups for fellow water signers Pisces, as both are intuitive and in tune with each other's needs. As noted by astrologers at Astrology-Zodiac-Signs, kind and compassionate Pisces are quick to fall in love and make friends. Given that, a Cancer's Old Hollywood best pal might be Pisces extraordinaire Elizabeth Taylor (born February 27, 1932).


Born in London, Taylor, according to Biography, reached stardom at 12 with her appearance in "National Velvet" (1944). The world watched her grow up on screen, from an adolescent in "Little Women" (1949) to a woman in epics like "A Place in the Sun" (1951) and "Giant" (1956). She was revered for her stunning beauty and her intense, spot-on acting. As noted in IMDb, starting in 1958, she earned Oscar nominations four years in a row. She won for "BUtterfield 8" (1961) and for "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (1966).

Taylor married seven times (twice to actor Richard Burton), and her tragic love life often overshadowed her work. Her Pisces weakness for quick romance was counterbalanced by the sign's caring philanthropic tendencies, however. In 1991, she started her own HIV/AIDs foundation, and in 1993, she received the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award for her charitable efforts.


Leo: Kirk Douglas (Sagittarius)

Leos (July 23 – August 22) looking for companionship on their next adventure can do no better than fire sign partner Sagittarius. Intrepid Sagitarrius, according to astrologers at Horoscope, share Leo's passion for exploration, and both love to perform and tell tales. For storytelling and adventuring, no other Golden Age movie star can surpass Kirk Douglas (born December 9, 1916).


According to the Hollywood Reporter, Douglas, son of a ragman, began acting on Broadway in 1941. During World War II, he enlisted in the Navy, serving in the Pacific until 1944. He was cast in his first film in 1946 — "The Strange Love of Martha Ivers" — and over the next 58 years, appeared in 73 more movies, according to IMDb. As an exemplary Sagitarrius, he excelled in action films, including "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" (1954), "Paths of Glory" (1957), and "Spartacus" (1960), his most iconic movie. Over the decades, he received three Academy Award nominations.

Douglas' wanderlust was also evident in his offscreen life. During the 1960s, he became a goodwill ambassador, traveling on missions around the globe. He didn't stray in his personal relationships, however, as his second marriage lasted 56 years. In 1981, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of many major accolades. Perhaps as a testament to his Sagittarius lust for life, he lived to be 103.


Virgo: Humphrey Bogart (Capricorn)

According to Horoscope astrologers, Virgos (August 23 – September 22) are the hardest working people on the planet. They're also bright and companionable. As noted by Cosmopolitan astrologers, Capricorns and Virgos, earth signs, complement each other with their no-nonsense attitudes and practical resilience. In other words, Virgos just might have the smarts and toughness to start a beautiful friendship with a disciplined Capricorn classic like Humphrey Bogart (born December 25, 1899).


Ranked the No. 1 actor on AFI's 100 Years...100 Stars list, Bogart epitomizes the cool sophistication of Hollywood's Golden Age. According to Biography, after years of struggle, Bogart landed his first major part in the 1936 drama "The Petrified Forest." His convincing performance as a killer led to appearances in many other crime films and paved the way to hardboiled detective roles in "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) and "The Big Sleep" (1946). Bogart's sexier side shone in such films as "To Have and Have Not" (1944), which co-starred soon-to-be wife Lauren Bacall, and "Sabrina" (1956). The film with which he is most identified, however, was the war romance "Casablanca" (1942). For his multifaceted performance as lovelorn Rick, he earned his first of three Oscar nominations.


Bogart married four times, and his last, and longest, marriage was to Bacall, a Virgo. Their complementary natures were evident not only in their onscreen chemistry but their offscreen devotion as well.

Libra: Marilyn Monroe (Gemini)

An obsession with harmony and symmetry characterizes Libras (September 23 – October 23), according to astrologers at Allure, as does an appreciation for art and beauty. Gemini, another air sign, is Libra's best friend match, claim astrologers at Horoscope, because both tribes are gregarious and fun-loving. At the same time, a spontaneous Gemini can counter Libra's tendency to overthink, while Libra's steadiness can offset Gemini's flightiness. For a typical Libra, hanging out with a classic Gemini like Marilyn Monroe (born June 1, 1926) might lead to a nicely balanced friendship.


Undeniably the most recognizable movie star in history, Marilyn Monroe entered the Hollywood scene in 1946 and began appearing in solid bit parts in 1950, according to History. As her onscreen "blonde bombshell" persona grew, so did the size of her roles. By 1953, she already had two of her best-known films, "How to Marry a Millionaire" and "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" under her belt. "The Seven-Year Itch," which showcased Monroe's comic talents, followed in 1955, and the masterful "Some Like It Hot," for which she earned her best reviews, was released in 1959.

Plagued throughout her life with mental health challenges, Monroe suffered a private life drenched in tragedy. She married three times and rumors of affairs and casting couch encounters dogged her. Despite her great beauty and Gemini charm and curiosity, she never found true love or steady friendship and died from an overdose in 1962.


Scorpio: Ginger Rogers (Cancer)

According to Horoscope astrologers, Scorpios' (October 24 – November 21) greatest gifts are their outspokenness and integrity. Passionate and unafraid of a fight, they're often leading the pack. Cancers, the tenacious caretakers of the zodiac, make easy friendships with Scorpios, according to astrologers at Parade. For Scorpios looking for a Hollywood icon as forthright and brave as they are, Ginger Rogers (born July 16, 1911), a Cancer famous for hoofing backwards and in heels, might perfectly fit the dance card.


Rogers had already established herself on Broadway when she landed her first juicy screen roles in the 1933 hits "42nd Street" and "Gold Diggers of 1933," according to TCM. In 1934, she was cast in a supporting role in "Flying Down to Rio," a musical that paired her with movie newcomer Fred Astaire. Impressed by the duo's onscreen chemistry, RKO signed them to star in "The Gay Divorcee" (1934). Although Rogers wasn't trained in tap, she used her Cancer energy and determination to master the moves with the demanding Astaire. Rogers and Astaire made 10 films together, and their names have become synonymous with elegant perfection. In the 1940s, Rogers pursued a solo acting career, winning an Oscar for her dramatic turn in "Kitty Foyle" (1940).


Unlike her dancing, Rogers' personal life was a troubled mess. Her chaotic childhood was followed by five brief marriages. In a show of Cancer caring, however, she remained friends with Astaire until the end.

Sagittarius: Marlon Brando (Aries)

Astrologers at Allure suggest that when put together, the lively Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) and the equally fiery Aries make for a high-octane coupling. Aries' perseverance and single-mindedness can also support the more serious side of Sagittarius. For that dynamic, a Sagittarius' old Hollywood BFF could be a tough-as-nails Aries like Marlon Brando (born April 3, 1924).


According to Britannica, Brando, the son of an actress, demonstrated his Aries rebelliousness early when he was expelled from a Minnesotan military academy for insubordination. In 1943, he went to New York to study with Stella Adler, a guru of naturalistic method acting, and soon was cast in a number of Broadway plays. His raw, searing performance in Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire" in 1947 confirmed his status as a method acting pro. Brando made his screen debut in "The Men" in 1950 and earned the first of eight Oscar nominations for his work in the 1951 film adaptation of "Streetcar." Powerful performances in such prestigious films as "The Wild One" (1953) and Oscar winner "On the Waterfront" (1954) followed. He is perhaps best remembered for his nuanced, Oscar-winning portrayal of gangster Don Corleone in "The Godfather" (1972).


In his personal life, thrice-married Brando had a reputation as an eccentric loner, a contradictory mix of intense commitment and casual disinterest. As typical of Aries, throughout his career, he forged a path uniquely his own.

Capricorn: Audrey Hepburn (Taurus)

As noted by astrologers at Astrology-Zodiac-Signs, Capricorns (December 22 – January 19) are disciplined and reliable, with a natural leadership style. As an earth sign, Capricorns are well-grounded and practical. Like Capricorns, according to Astrology-Zodiac-Signs, Taurus also display stability but are noted for their long-term relationships as well. If you're a hard-working Capricorn, who better to befriend than the classy Taurus Audrey Hepburn (born May 4, 1929)?


As a youth, Brussels-born Hepburn divided her time between Belgium and England and was active in the Belgium resistance movement during World War II, according to Biography. After the war she studied ballet and was cast in a few stage roles in England. After small roles in three British films, she returned to the stage for the Broadway production of "Gigi." Hollywood came calling, and in 1953, the gamine beauty starred in the romantic classic "Roman Holiday," for which she received an Oscar.

In 1954, Hepburn won a Tony for "Ondine," which co-starred her future (and last) husband Mel Ferrer. Over the next dozen years, she appeared in a variety of films, including "Sabrina" (1954) and "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961), which cemented her image as Hollywood's most elegant star and earned her four more Oscar nominations. Charitable work for UNICEF dominated her later years, and her down-to-earth Taurus devotion to her causes earned her a posthumous Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award in 1993.


Aquarius: Groucho Marx (Libra)

According to astrologers at Allure, people born under the sign Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) are often humanitarian nonconformists and big-picture thinkers. Compatible air sign Libras are friendly and diplomatic, say astrologers at Astrology-Zodiac-Signs, but they're also great debaters and intellectuals. It's easy to see how the witty, fast-talking Libra comedian Groucho Marx (born October 2, 1890) could become best pals with a highly individualistic Aquarius.


As noted in TCM, Marx and brothers Chico and Harpo became a musical vaudeville act with their mother, Minnie, in the early 1900s. Over the years, the act added comedy bits and characters, and by 1920, Groucho had polished his Libraesque wisecracking conman persona. As The Marx Brothers de facto creative director, he helped propel the act onto Broadway with shows like "The Cocoanuts" and "Animal Crackers," which were later turned into movies.

With his grease-paint moustache, round glasses, and cigar, Groucho played a central part in the group's string of 1930s movie hits, including "Monkey Business" (1931), "Duck Soup" (1933), and "A Night at the Opera" (1935). The brothers' output declined in the 1940s, but Groucho reclaimed his comedy crown in 1949 as host of the long-running radio and TV game show "You Bet Your Life." Marx married three times, but his May-December romance with a young actress proved his most troubled relationship. At the end of his life, the once-garrulous Libra had sadly become the center of a custody battle.


Pisces: Burt Lancaster (Scorpio)

Pisces (February 19 – March 20), according to Horoscope astrologers, are extremely creative and psychogenic. They love hanging out in small groups but also need their alone time. Like Pisces, Scorpios are known for their powerful, charismatic, and intuitive natures, according to astrologers at Parade. That's why a magnetic, athletic Scorpio like Burt Lancaster (born November 2, 1913) might make a Pisces a great Old Hollywood friend.


According to History, New York-born Lancaster began his career as a circus acrobat, but was forced to quit in 1939 following an injury. After three years in the military, he scored a part in a Broadway play through a connection of his soon-to-be second wife, which in turn, led to his first movie role in "The Killers" (1946). His athleticism was exploited in the sports biopic "Jim Thorpe — All American" (1951) and the swashbuckling "The Crimson Pirate" (1952). His performance in "From Here to Eternity" (1953) showed off his sexy leading man chops and earned him his first Academy Award nomination. In 1960, he won an Oscar for "Elmer Gantry" and was nominated a third time for "Birdman of Alcatraz" (1962).


Ever the graceful Pisces, Lancaster continued to act into his 70s, appearing in such quality films as "Local Hero" (1983) and "Field of Dreams" (1989), and earned his fourth Oscar nomination for "Atlantic City" in 1981. 

