Disturbing First-Hand Accounts From The Survivors Of The My Lai Massacre
On March 16, 1968, the soldiers in Charlie Company were sent to a village believed to be controlled by the Vietcong and were expecting a firefight.
Read MoreOn March 16, 1968, the soldiers in Charlie Company were sent to a village believed to be controlled by the Vietcong and were expecting a firefight.
By Brian Myers Read MoreThough the Vietnam War did eventually end, it didn't really end until a couple of years after peace was negotiated. It also ended in rather spectacular fashion.
By Sarah January Read MoreOne important Allied victory in World War II was also one of the most under appreciated. Here's why the Battle of the Bulge was so crucial.
By Chris Littlechild Read MoreRoughly 40,000 Americans died in the Korean War, and 100,000 more were wounded. This is the story of Operation Thunderbolt, one of the war's deadliest battles.
By Chandler Stark Read MoreThe Boston Irish Gang Wars killed dozens of people in the 1960s, with assassinations, gang shootouts, and car bombs leaving a grim mark on the city's history.
By Leon Wilczek Read MoreAfter the end of World War II, Germany had the difficult job of 'denazifying' the country, expunging all Nazi influence from its laws and culture.
By Aaron Homer Read MoreThe famous actor James Garner served in the Korean War, and was able to sniff out the enemy thanks to his strong aversion to garlic.
By Andrew Amelinckx Read MoreWorld War I, perhaps the most infamous war in world history, is well-known by many. Or is it? Many common facts about the first World War are actually myths.
By Alice Bennett Read MoreMany might recognize names like Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee from history class, but here are some of the forgotten Union generals from the Civil War.
By Jonathan Burdick Read MoreThe Royal Navy still uses a warship that's been operational for 300 years. Here's the story of the HMS Victory and how it's still in service.
By Andrew Amelinckx Read MoreThe Cold War gave rise to no small number of mysteries, including the strange, tragic fate of KAL Flight 007, which was shot down by Soviet jets.
By Mina Nakatani Read MoreDuring WWII, Jewish prisoners attempted a number of failed uprisings, including one in 1943 after being imprisoned in a Polish ghetto.
By Chandler Stark Read MoreWWI included a seldom-discussed battle, which involved a vast forest, plenty of mud and blood, and a particularly heroic pigeon that saved over a hundred men.
By Gabriela L. Laracca Read MoreThough it happened nearly 80 years ago, it is still an immensely important part of history. These are tragic details about the Warsaw Uprising.
By Chandler Stark Read MoreWomen during and after World War II were resourceful in making their wedding gowns.
By Jean Mendoza Read MoreOn paper, the U.S. WWII mission "Operation Tidal Wave" seemed like a strategic move. But due to miscalculations and pilot errors, it turned into a catastrophe.
By Brian Myers Read MoreOddly enough, some of the very scientists involved with the creation of the atomic bomb objected to its use.
By Kimberly Smith Read MoreThe Panjandrum was the perfect weapon in theory but its execution resulted in a disaster.
By Jean Mendoza Read MoreDuring World War II, the last place that a person of Jewish descent would want to be was Germany. So why did so many Jewish men serve in the German military?
By Sarah January Read MoreThe father of Ted Koppel, a legendary journalist, was considered an enemy alien during World War II. Here's what he had to endure.
By Andrew Amelinckx Read MoreAlthough the American Civil War was largely fought along geographical lines, there were those Southerners who disagreed with the dissolution of the Union.
By Amielle Moreno, Ph.D. Read MoreAfter WWII's D-Day. Allied forces left behind thousands of their comrades' remains scattered across the beaches. Here's what happened to the bodies from D-Day.
By Sarah Crocker Read MoreIn 1916, while the United States was still officially neutral during World War I, a deadly terrorist attack happened on American soil. So what exactly happened?
By Aaron Homer Read MoreDuring World War II, one British soldier charged into battle with a claymore sword and a long bow and lived to tell the story. Here's his tale.
By Luke Holden Read MoreWhat, exactly, did Hitler plan to do with the U.S. if he happened to win World War II? The answer to that is pretty strange and very complicated.
By DB Kelly Read MoreLee Van Cleef, who had a long and successful career in Hollywood as well as spaghetti westerns, served in the U.S. armed forces during World War II.
By Brian Myers Read MoreA lot can happen in six hours, particularly in war, and in one morning before the end of World War I, 3,000 people died. Here's the full story.
By Aaron Homer Read More